Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home, sweet home...

I think it's time for me to tell you a bit about the organization that helped me get to Palestine, the Holy Land Trust (HLT). Forgive me for not mentioning them earlier because it is thanks to HLT that I had the opportunity to visit Palestine. I got in touch with Holy Land Trust in early 2011. My intent was to join them as a volunteer in the nonviolent program, however, I was there for such a short time that that was not possible. During my time with HLT, I tagged along with their field coordinator, Marwan, to several different sites throughout Bethlehem. I learned a great deal from this amazing person and I will never forget the time that I spent with him. With Marwan, I met leaders of the nonviolent resistance movement in Bethlehem, toured old Bethlehem alongside a group of Americans coaching a local basketball camp, participated in a nonviolent demonstration in Ma'asara, visited a refugee camp, and visited a village called al-Walaja where home demolitions by Israel are rampant. The latter will be the topic of this post.

Holy Land Trust has recently been involved with rebuilding homes for Palestinian families. Many of you may be aware of the fact that Israel regularly bulldozes Palestinian homes to make way for new settlements and the route of the apartheid wall, among other illegal reasons.  One of the villages that is widely affected by the bulldozing is called al-Walaja. I visited al-Walaja with Marwan, where I met a man who is close to completing the rebuilding of his family's home which was demolished by Israel 7 years ago. He told us that the Israeli government has even sent the family the bill for the bulldozing fee and on top of that, Israel has also imposed a new land tax and are requiring the family to pay this tax on a monthly basis (these are absurdities to us but realities to the Palestinian people). Marwan asked the owner of the home what he would do if Israel proceeds to demolish his home again. His answer was "I will keep rebuilding. My grandfather and his grandfather have all lived here. This is our home and I will not leave." 

With several volunteers from all over the world, Marwan & HLT, built a home for a family from al-Walaja and HLT held a "housewarming" ceremony for the family on July 23rd (the home is pictured above and the short clip below covers the ceremony).

As you can see from the clip above, HLT's rebuilding initiative is extremely meaningful and I hope that they can continue to provide families with a place to live. Sometimes we take for granted what we time you enter your home and say "home, sweet home" think of those who don't have that same luxury.

If you'd like to help out, please consider becoming a volunteer with HLT or donate what you can (anything helps) to this lovely organization.

Think of Others, by Mahmoud Darwish

As you prepare your breakfast, think of others
(do not forget the pigeon’s food).
As you wage your wars, think of others 
(do not forget those who seek peace).
As you pay your water bill, think of others
(those who are nursed by clouds).
As you return home, to your home, think of others
(do not forget the people of the camps).
As you sleep and count the stars, think of others
(those who have nowhere to sleep).
As you express yourself in metaphor, think of others
(those who have lost the right to speak).
As you think of others far away, think of yourself
(say: if only I were a candle in the dark).

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